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I have tried 3 or 4 other similar sites and MyScorecard is far and above them. Easy to use,
and covers every important aspect of your game.
-J.D., N. Hampshire (19 Hcp)
I'm glad you guys provide this service. It is the best on the Web and something I've been looking for, for some time.
-J.W., N. Carolina (9 Hcp)
The site is fantastic for those of us who do not belong to a golf club and do not have access to the members' golf handicap computer.
-J.Z., Quebec (14 Hcp)
Thanks for the quick response! We are enjoying the site and our club can't get along without it.
-K.B., Florida (Club Manager)
Your service has truly enhanced the enjoyment I get out of golf, as I am a 47 handicapper and my father is a 22.
Now that we know our handicaps, we can evenly compete.
-D.H., Louisiana (47 Hcp)
It is great to be able to chart your progress, while playing. MyScorecard has given me a realistic goal to shoot for on my next game.
-V.P., Kentucky (27 Hcp)
We have formed a club with 12 members and growing. Your program has taken the guess work and arguments out of 'how many strokes should I be getting,' now it's right there in b&w.
-T.O., Ohio (18 Hcp)
Your web site has been an instrumental part of our club's successful year so far. I also wanted to inform you that with your help our club has received USGA approval. Thank You.
-K.E., APO (9 Hcp)
Unbelievable! You guys certainly do work fast! Wish all my suggestions were treated with such speed and enthusiasm. Great job guys!
-T.J., New York (14 Hcp)
A fantastic web site! Thanks for a great service and keep up the good work.
I have signed up for a year.
-J.P., Ontario (14 Hcp)
MyScorecard has the easiest and quickest interface of any online handicapping service available, at any price...
-G.N. Delaware (Handicap 15)
The site is excellent and I have told just about everyone I know. Really cool, really easy to navigate, and really useful.
Thanks again - hit 'em straight
-C.C., Oregon (Handicap 8)
I am enjoying calculating my handicap to play against my so who I can beat in match play even though
he hits his drives about 20 yards farther!
-T.C. Massachusetts (18 Hcp)
Good site and I am referring some of my sand-bagging friends to establish their handicaps as well.
-R.W., Tennessee (11 Hcp)
I have never failed to talk up your service to any course I visit. No other facility allows me to track my golf game the way you do.
-D.M., Washington D.C. (10 Hcp)
I especially like knowing what I need to shoot in my next round to lower my handicap. If I am close and need a put on 18 to meet my target score, it makes it all the more exciting.
-T.W., Florida (15 Hcp)
Your site provides incredibly detailed information. I have passed it on to several friends all of whom have signed on.
-P.J.M., Ontario (10 Hcp)
Your service has really inspired me when I'm swinging the sticks. It's funny the way you try that much harder
to improve your score when tracking a handicap.
-R.Y., Texas (34 Hcp)
I love your site...I have only been playing for four years and am so bad, but your site gives me a sense of improvement or not.
-L.C., Pennsylvania (32 Hcp)
So far me and my golfing buddies love your site, and now I have a more clear and better understanding of the handicap system.
-J.S., Louisiana (7 Hcp)
Your web site is a great asset, not just for keeping a reasonably priced, reliable handicap record, but also for keeping up with a few other helpful stats...Thanks again.
-G.P., Georgia (12 Hcp))
I tried another handicap service and their course directory was eight years outdated. You have an avid fan in me.
Thank you for the easiest system on the web.
-L.L., North Carolina (22 Hcp)
I find your site the most complete I've found - believe me, since I'm new at the game I search a lot on the Internet...
-O.D., Kansas (35 Handicap)
I am very impressed with your quick response. I personally love MyScorecard.com and encourage
all of my golfing companions to use it.
-T.B., Illinois (12 Hcp)
That's what I like about you all...the lights are on and someone is always home! Thanks for your response.
-C.R., Connecticut (16 Hcp)

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